The Penny Foundation connects people, organizations and resources in the areas of education, economic and community developments through the lens of technology and innovation. We serve as a philanthropic vehicle for people to focus their resources in the African-American community.
We aim to be a trusted leader in organizing people to support philanthropic causes in the Black community. We enhance support for implementing effective capacity-building for people and organizations by mobilizing additional financial, social, and intellectual resources. We will provide efficient and effective services to build a collection of permanent funds.
Every penny counts. Whether you are making a one-time gift, a long term investment, or wish to leave a legacy gift, your contribution is more than an act of charity. Its reach is beyond Birmingham: more than a hand out, it’s a series of arms linked to uplift others. Give today, and help protect our community’s viability—tomorrow and beyond. Your gift to The Penny Foundation is an empowered investment in your community now and a vote for the future.